
Transversal business enablers 

A consulting company couldn't work properly without the support and involvement of its corporate functions. They act as solid pillars on which the company will build up its strategy and growth. Learn more about them and their roles within the Avertim ecosystem. 



Human Resources (HR)

Our HR department plays a central role in our organisation, recruiting new talents, supporting them, accompanying them in their careers, sharing knowledge and training, while working on talent development and respecting our values.  

> Meet Davide, Talent Acquisition Manager


Solution department 

Our Solution department acts as a business partner, translates knowledge, competitive intelligence and experience into services, innovative and sustainable solutions, including a new way of working! 

> Meet Maxime, Director of the Solution Department


Finance & Administration Department

Our Finance & Administration department acts transversally with an international scope to support our consultants and business managers in their day-to-day activities and projects.

> Meet Julie, Payroll & Administration Manager


Marketing & Communication Department

Our Marketing & Communication department develops our employer branding, enhances our visibility internally and externally via various communication channels and supports our corporate events.

> Meet Sarah, Event & Communication Manager


IT Department

Our IT department supports our tools and IT processes internally, digitalising our organisation and making sure we are in compliance with new regulations.

So, ready to be part of the Aver'Team ?